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- ----------------------------------------------------
- JV1080ED v1.1 - patch editor for the Roland JV-1080
- ----------------------------------------------------
- History:
- ========
- 1995.01.30 v1.1 Random tone generating inserted (for info see below)
- Alert when QUIT, also some shortcuts introduced:
- Esc: goes to patch common dialog, F1-F4 selects tone resp.
- 1995.01.09 v1.01 The bug that the program was unable to receive patch
- under some tos versions was removed. (Thanks Wayne)
- New functionality: Load/Save your favourite EFX settings
- 1995.01.01 v1.0 First release
- Contents of the archive:
- ========================
- JV1080ED.PRG - the executable
- JV1080ED.RSC - the resource file
- *.MSK - sample masks for random tone generating
- MIDITHRU.PRG - resident MIDI THROUGH program, works only on Falcon
- README.TXT - this file
- Hardware requirements:
- ======================
- It will (should) run
- - on any Atari computer (Tested on TOS 4.04 and TOS 1.0)
- - with any number of colours
- - with a resolution>= 640x400
- The included MIDITHRU program works only on Falcon, I had no time to do it for
- any STs, maybe later.
- About the program:
- ==================
- General:
- --------
- I did not write any instructions how to use the program, I think it is
- intuitive enough. It has a nice 3D user interface on the Falcon with at least
- 16 colours. Make sure that you have not changed the default desktop colours
- (the lowest 16).
- You can edit ALL of the tone parameters with this program.
- There are values which are editable with a slider while pressing the mouse
- button. There are ones which can be incremented with the right, decremented
- with the left mouse button. And there are popups.
- The edited values are sent to the JV-1080 realtime.
- Random Tone Generating:
- -----------------------
- With random tone generating you can set any of each tone parameters to generate
- it randomly. Select "Show Mask" from the Generate menu. From now on, you can
- doubleclick (or LorRShift+click) to any of the tone parameters to select it.
- The selected parameters will be generated only, those ones which are not
- selected, will not change. The selected parameters (mask) can be loaded/saved.
- Of course the patch parameters are also loaded/saved with the mask.
- However there are some restrictions so that tones do not generated blindly
- randomly (unless you dont hear anything):
- - TVA Levels>70
- - TVA Time1<40
- - if Tone Switch will be generated, it will always be ON
- - if Key Range will be generated, it will always be C-1 - G9
- - Tone Course and Fine Tune will be default (0, 0)
- - Pitch Key Follow will always be +100
- - Tone Level>90
- - Tone Output Level>90
- Selecting all parameters usually don't give nice results. You have to set up
- the mask for a special purpose e.g. for layered tones, velocity switching,
- biased tones, interesting LFOs, etc, and generate only some parameters.
- A good tip for experimenting is to select a patch (which you want to create
- similar to) and select only the tones randomly, later other parameters
- one by one.
- JV-1080 bugs:
- =============
- Note that the JV-1080 has some bugs, some harmful, some not. E.g. you cannot
- set velocity curve 5 for tone 1 or velocity curve 3 for tone 2. It is not my
- program's fault but the internal logic of the JV-1080. But it was not the only
- fault. Maybe only my early JV-1080 module has these faults.
- Another serious fault lies in the cursor handling of the JV-1080. When you
- send an exclusive message to it, the JV-1080 will smartly refresh its screen.
- But it forgets about the cursor, which may stay on an empty editable field.
- When you press any cursor key or INC/DEC/VALUE, the result is usually a frozen
- synth module with a messed display (one LCD line on another, not readable at
- all) and a randomly filled memory. Don't panic, it only occures when you edit
- tones with the program AND on the panel, and only during EFX parameter editing.
- In this case turning OFF then ON does not help (because sometimes you can't
- read the display). When you pressed ON, press UTILITY, then down arrow,
- then right arrow 3 times (FACTORY PRESET), and ENTER twice.
- So you are warned. By using only the JV1080ED this cannot happen. You can
- check the parameters on the display if you wish so, but when you see the
- cursor on an empty field, don't touch the JV-1080, but turn it off (maybe
- the CANCEL will also work, I did not try).
- Known bugs:
- ===========
- - on TOS 1.0 when the window is not in the default place, the slider may freeze
- the machine if the bottom of the slider is off screen.
- - on Falcon with at least 16 colours selecting the structure mask makes it
- "pressed down" rather than being inversed (it is not a bug, I'll correct it)
- - EFX parameter editing crashes rarely, not reproduceable, I will examine it
- - I know using the wavelist is not very comfortable
- Future:
- =======
- - slightly changing the randomly generated parameters
- - the possibility of generating EFX parameters randomly
- - load/save patches in sysex format
- - text report of patch parameters to file or printer
- - the option to set everything with sliders (I promised it, Matthias)
- - edit/load/save system parameters (scale definition (set LucyTuning) etc)
- - some librarian functions when I have time
- (and if I get some patches from you!)
- Use it at your own risk. The author is not responsible for any damages made
- in your equipment.
- Send me bug reports, comments, constructive critisisms.
- This program is PATCHWARE. If you use it regularly, send me some patches
- that you created.
- Enjoy it.
- Attila Mezei
- ethami@duna.ericsson.se
- H1141 Budapest Zsalya u. 29. Hungary